#include "A5133_hal.h" #include "A5133reg.h" #include "A5133Config.h" uint8_t timer; uint16_t TimerCnt; uint8_t Slot_TX; uint8_t Flag_Timeout; uint16_t RxCnt; uint8_t *Uartptr; uint8_t UartSendCnt; uint8_t CmdBuf[25]; uint8_t tmpbuf[80]; uint16_t Err_Loss; uint16_t Err_Frame; uint32_t Err_BitCnt; uint8_t Flag_Report; uint8_t Flag_FirstLink; uint8_t Flag_MASTER; uint8_t Mem_RH; uint8_t Mem_RL; const uint8_t BitCount_Tab[16] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4}; // const uint8_t //code ID_Tab[8]={0x34,0x75,0xC5,0x2A,0xC7,0x33,0x45,0xEA}; //ID code const uint8_t ID_Tab[8] = {0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x55, 0x34, 0x75, 0xC5, 0x6A}; // ID2 code // const uint8_t ID_Tab[8]={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x36,0x75,0xC5,0xBA}; //ID2 code // const uint8_t ID_Tab[8]={0x34,0x75,0xC5,0x2A,0x34,0x75,0xC5,0x2A}; //ID2 code const uint8_t KeyData_Tab[16] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; // keyData code const uint8_t FCB_Tab[20] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x15, 0x20, 0x25, 0x30, 0x35, 0x40, 0x45, 0x50, 0x55, 0x60, 0x65, 0x70, 0x75, 0x80, 0x85}; // keyData code const uint8_t PN9_Tab[] = { 0xFF, 0x83, 0xDF, 0x17, 0x32, 0x09, 0x4E, 0xD1, 0xE7, 0xCD, 0x8A, 0x91, 0xC6, 0xD5, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0x40, 0x21, 0x18, 0x4E, 0x55, 0x86, 0xF4, 0xDC, 0x8A, 0x15, 0xA7, 0xEC, 0x92, 0xDF, 0x93, 0x53, 0x30, 0x18, 0xCA, 0x34, 0xBF, 0xA2, 0xC7, 0x59, 0x67, 0x8F, 0xBA, 0x0D, 0x6D, 0xD8, 0x2D, 0x7D, 0x54, 0x0A, 0x57, 0x97, 0x70, 0x39, 0xD2, 0x7A, 0xEA, 0x24, 0x33, 0x85, 0xED, 0x9A, 0x1D, 0xE0, }; /********************************************************************* ** Err_State *********************************************************************/ void Err_State(void) { // ERR display // Error Proc... //... while (1) ; } /************************************************************************ ** Reset_RF ************************************************************************/ void RF_Reset(void) { RF_WriteReg(MODE_REG, 0x00); // reset RF chip } /************************************************************************ ** RF_WriteID ************************************************************************/ void RF_WriteID(uint8_t *ptr) { uint8_t i; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(IDCODE_REG); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) myRadioSpi_wByte(*ptr++); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /************************************************************************ ** RF_ReadID ************************************************************************/ void RF_ReadID(uint8_t *ptr) { uint8_t i; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(IDCODE_REG | 0x40); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) *ptr++ = myRadioSpi_rByte(); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_ReadPage *********************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_ReadPage(uint8_t addr, uint8_t page) { uint8_t tmp; RF_WriteReg(RFANALOG_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[0x35] & 0x0F) | page << 4); tmp = RF_ReadReg(addr); return tmp; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_WritePage *********************************************************************/ void RF_WritePage(uint8_t addr, uint8_t wbyte, uint8_t page) { RF_WriteReg(RFANALOG_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[0x35] & 0x0F) | page << 4); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { ; } RF_WriteReg(addr, wbyte); } /************************************************************************ ** RF_WriteReg ************************************************************************/ void RF_WriteReg(uint8_t addr, uint8_t dataByte) { BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(addr); // bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=0 myRadioSpi_wByte(dataByte); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /************************************************************************ ** RF_ReadReg ************************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_ReadReg(uint8_t addr) { uint8_t tmp; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(addr | 0x40); // bit7 cmd=0,bit6 r/w=1 tmp = myRadioSpi_rByte(); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); return tmp; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_SetCH *********************************************************************/ void RF_SetCH(uint8_t ch) { RF_WriteReg(PLL1_REG, ch); // RF freq = RFbase + (CH_Step * ch) } /********************************************************************* ** initRF *********************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_Init(void) { uint8_t i, id[8]; gio1PinCtrlReg_tu gio1PinCtrlReg; gio2PinCtrlReg_tu gio2PinCtrlReg; ckoPinCtrlReg_tu ckoPinCtrlReg; code1Reg_tu code1Reg; code2Page0Reg_tu code2Page0Reg; RF_Reset(); // reset RF chip RF_Config(); // config A7157 chip gio1PinCtrlReg.value = 0x00; gio1PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio1oe = 1; gio1PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio1s = 0; // WTR RF_WriteReg(GIO1_REG, gio1PinCtrlReg.value); gio2PinCtrlReg.value = 0x00; gio2PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio2oe = 1; #if defined(SPI_4LINE) gio2PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio2s = 6; // trxd #else gio2PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio2s = 7; // trxd #endif RF_WriteReg(GIO2_REG, gio2PinCtrlReg.value); ckoPinCtrlReg.value = 0x00; ckoPinCtrlReg.bits_w.ckoe = 0; ckoPinCtrlReg.bits_w.ckos = 0; // dck RF_WriteReg(CKO_REG, 0x02); code1Reg.value = 0x00; code1Reg.bits_w.crcs = 1; code1Reg.bits_w.fecs = 1; code1Reg.bits_w.epml = 2; code1Reg.bits_w.idl = 3; code1Reg.bits_w.whts = 1; code1Reg.bits_w.resv = 1; RF_WritePage(CODE1_REG, code1Reg.value, 0); RF_WriteID((uint8_t *)ID_Tab); // write ID code RF_ReadID(id); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (id[i] ^ ID_Tab[i]) return 1; // fail } RF_TrimmedValue_Init(); // load trimming value if (RF_Cal()) // rf calibration return 1; return 0; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_FIFOWrite *********************************************************************/ void RF_FIFOWrite(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { uint8_t i; RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_TFR); // TX fifo pointer reset BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FIFO_REG); // send address 0x05, bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=0 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) myRadioSpi_wByte(*(buf + i)); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_FIFORead *********************************************************************/ void RF_FIFORead(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { uint8_t i; RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_RFR); // RX fifo pointer reset BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FIFO_REG | 0x40); // address 0x05, bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=1 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { *buf++ = myRadioSpi_rByte(); } BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_StrobeCmd *********************************************************************/ void RF_StrobeCmd(uint8_t cmd) { BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(cmd); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RxPacket *********************************************************************/ void RxPacket(void) { uint8_t i, recv, tmp, err; RxCnt++; err = 0; RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_RFR); // RX fifo pointer reset BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FIFO_REG | 0x40); // address 0x05, bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=1 for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { recv = myRadioSpi_rByte(); tmpbuf[i] = recv; if ((recv ^ PN9_Tab[i]) != 0) { tmp = recv ^ PN9_Tab[i]; Err_BitCnt += (BitCount_Tab[tmp >> 4] + BitCount_Tab[tmp & 0x0F]); err = 1; } } BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); if (err) // packet error Err_Frame++; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_Cal_CHGroup *********************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_Cal_CHGroup(uint8_t ch) { uint8_t tmp; uint8_t vb, vbcf, vcb, vccf; uint8_t deva, adev; RF_WriteReg(PLL1_REG, ch); RF_WriteReg(CALIBRATION_REG, 0x1C); do { tmp = RF_ReadReg(CALIBRATION_REG) & 0x1C; } while (tmp); // for check tmp = RF_ReadReg(VCOCCAL_REG); vcb = tmp & 0x0F; vccf = (tmp >> 4) & 0x01; tmp = RF_ReadReg(VCOCAL1_REG); vb = tmp & 0x0F; vbcf = (tmp >> 4) & 0x01; tmp = RF_ReadReg(VCODEVCAL1_REG); deva = tmp; tmp = RF_ReadReg(VCODEVCAL2_REG); adev = tmp; if (vbcf) return 1; // error return 0; } /********************************************************************* ** calibration *********************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_Cal(void) { uint8_t tmp; uint8_t rhc, rlc, fb, fbcf, fcd; RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_PLL); // calibration @PLL state RF_WriteReg(RFANALOG_REG, 0); // IF,RSSI,RC procedure RF_WriteReg(CALIBRATION_REG, 0x23); do { tmp = RF_ReadReg(CALIBRATION_REG) & 0x23; } while (tmp); // calibration VBC,VDC procedure if (RF_Cal_CHGroup(25)) // calibrate channel group Bank I return 1; if (RF_Cal_CHGroup(75)) // calibrate channel group Bank II return 1; if (RF_Cal_CHGroup(125)) // calibrate channel group Bank III return 1; RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_STBY); // return to STBY state // for check tmp = RF_ReadReg(IFCAL1_REG); fb = tmp & 0x0F; fbcf = (tmp >> 4) & 0x01; tmp = RF_ReadReg(IFCAL2_REG); fcd = tmp & 0x1F; rhc = RF_ReadReg(RXGAIN2_REG); rlc = RF_ReadReg(RXGAIN3_REG); Mem_RH = rhc; Mem_RL = rlc; if (fbcf) return 1; // error return 0; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_Config *********************************************************************/ void RF_Config(void) { uint8_t i; // 0x00 mode register, for reset // 0x05 fifo data register // 0x06 id code register // 0x36 key data, 16 bytes // 0x3D FCB register,4 bytes // 0x3F USID register, read only for (i = 0x01; i <= 0x04; i++) RF_WriteReg(i, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[i]); for (i = 0x07; i <= 0x1F; i++) RF_WriteReg(i, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[i]); for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++) // 0x20 code1 RF_WritePage(0x20, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x20[i], i); for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++) // 0x21 code2 RF_WritePage(0x21, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x21[i], i); for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) // 0x22 code3 RF_WritePage(0x22, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x22[i], i); for (i = 0x23; i <= 0x29; i++) { RF_WriteReg(i, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[i]); } for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++) // 0x2A DAS RF_WritePage(0x2A, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x2A[i], i); for (i = 0x2B; i <= 0x35; i++) RF_WriteReg(i, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[i]); RF_WriteReg(0x37, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[0x37]); for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++) // 0x38 ROM RF_WritePage(0x38, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[i], i); for (i = 0x39; i <= 0x3C; i++) RF_WriteReg(i, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[i]); RF_WriteReg(0x3E, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[0x3E]); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_FCB *********************************************************************/ void RF_FCB(void) { uint8_t i; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FCB_REG); // address 0x3D, bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=0 for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) myRadioSpi_wByte(FCB_Tab[i]); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** A7157_KeyData *********************************************************************/ void RF_KeyData(void) { uint8_t i; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(KEYDATA_REG); // address 0x36, bit7 cmd=0, bit6 r/w=0 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) myRadioSpi_wByte(KeyData_Tab[i]); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_FIFOLength *********************************************************************/ void RF_FIFOLength(uint16_t len) { BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FIFO1_REG | 0x40); // bit7 cmd=0,bit6 r/w=1 myRadioSpi_wByte(len & 0xFF); // low byte myRadioSpi_wByte(len >> 8); // high byte BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_GetFIFOLength *********************************************************************/ uint16_t RF_GetFIFOLength(void) { uint16_t len = 0; BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(FIFO1_REG); len = myRadioSpi_rByte(); len |= (uint16_t)myRadioSpi_rByte() << 8; BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); return len; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_TrimmedValue_Init *********************************************************************/ void RF_TrimmedValue_Init(void) { uint8_t i; uint8_t trimValue[8]; // uint8_t tmp_checksum; // trimValue[0]=FBG // trimValue[1]=CTR // trimValue[2]=BDC // trimValue[3]=STM // trimValue[4]=Checksum for trimvalue[0]~trimvalue[3] // trimValue[5]=CSXTL // trimValue[6]=FBG_CP // trimValue[7]=Checksum for customer RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[9] | 0xA0, 9); // enable EFSW=1, EFRE=1 BOARD_A5133_SCS_L(); myRadioSpi_wByte(USID_REG | 0x40); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) trimValue[i] = myRadioSpi_rByte(); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[9], 9); // disable EFSW=1, EFRE=1 if ((trimValue[0] + trimValue[1]) == trimValue[4]) // case1-only FT { if ((trimValue[0] != 0) && (trimValue[1] != 0)) { RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[1] & 0xE0) | trimValue[0], 1); // FBG RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[2] & 0xC0) | trimValue[1], 2); // CTR } else Err_State(); } else if ((trimValue[0] + trimValue[1] + trimValue[2] + trimValue[3]) == trimValue[4]) // case2-CP+FT { if ((trimValue[0] != 0) && (trimValue[1] != 0) && (trimValue[2] != 0) && (trimValue[3] != 0)) { RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[1] & 0xE0) | trimValue[0], 1); // FBG RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[2] & 0xC0) | trimValue[1], 2); // CTR RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[0] & 0x03) | (trimValue[2] << 2), 0); // BDC RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[4] & 0x40) | trimValue[3], 4); // STM } else Err_State(); } else // only CP { if ((trimValue[0] == 0) && (trimValue[1] != 0) && (trimValue[2] != 0) && (trimValue[3] != 0) && (trimValue[4] == 0) && (trimValue[6] != 0)) { RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[1] & 0xE0) | trimValue[6], 1); // FBG RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[2] & 0xC0) | trimValue[1], 2); // CTR RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[0] & 0x03) | (trimValue[2] << 2), 0); // BDC RF_WritePage(ROMP_REG, (A5133_RFConfigTab_Addr0x38[4] & 0x40) | trimValue[3], 4); // STM } else Err_State(); } } /********************************************************************* ** RF_RSSI_Read *********************************************************************/ int16_t RF_RSSI_Read(void) { uint8_t rssi; int16_t tmp; rssi = RF_ReadReg(RSSI_REG); // read RSSI value(wanted signal RSSI) // RF power in(dBm) = (RSSI - RL) / (RH - RL) * 12 - 80dbm - 3 tmp = ((rssi * 1.0 - Mem_RL) / (Mem_RH - Mem_RL) * 12.0) - 80 - 3; return tmp; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_PM_SleepMode *********************************************************************/ void RF_PM_SleepMode(void) { RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_SLEEP); BOARD_A5133_SCS_H(); BOARD_A5133_SDIO_H(); } /********************************************************************* ** RF_Low Voltage Reset_Check *********************************************************************/ uint8_t RF_LVR_Check(void) { uint8_t tmp; tmp = RF_ReadReg(VCOCAL2_REG); if (tmp == 0xFF) // default reset value 0xFF return 1; else return 0; } /********************************************************************* ** RF_WOR_En *********************************************************************/ void RF_WOR_En(void) { gio1PinCtrlReg_tu gio1PinCtrlReg; gio2PinCtrlReg_tu gio2PinCtrlReg; gio1PinCtrlReg.value = 0x00; gio1PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio1oe = 1; gio1PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio1s = 2; // MCU wakeup signal RF_WriteReg(GIO1_REG, gio1PinCtrlReg.value); gio2PinCtrlReg.value = 0x00; gio2PinCtrlReg.bits_w.gio2oe = 1; // WTR RF_WriteReg(GIO2_REG, gio2PinCtrlReg.value); RF_WriteReg(CKO_REG, 0x02); RF_WriteReg(RCOSC1_REG, 0x0B); // WOR_SL=11, SL time=(11+1)*32*(1/4KHz) RF_WriteReg(RCOSC2_REG, 0x0B); // WOR_AC=11, AC time(wakeup time + RX time)=(11+1)*(1/4KHz) RF_WriteReg(RCOSC3_REG, 0x0C); // RCOSC enable while (1) { RF_WriteReg(MODECTRL_REG, A5133_RFConfigTab_Main[1] | (1 << 3)); // WOR enable while (~READ_RF_A5133_GPIO1()) ; // waitting to wakeup until packet is received RF_StrobeCmd(CMD_PLL); // Wakeup process... // RxPacket(); //...; } }