/*! * \file radio.c * * \brief Radio driver API definition * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2017 Semtech * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) * * \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) */ #include #include #include #include #include "board.h" #include "radio.h" #include "sx126x.h" #include "sx126x-board.h" /*! * \brief Initializes the radio * * \param [IN] events Structure containing the driver callback functions */ void RadioInit( RadioEvents_t *events ); /*! * Return current radio status * * \param status Radio status.[RF_IDLE, RF_RX_RUNNING, RF_TX_RUNNING] */ RadioState_t RadioGetStatus( void ); /*! * \brief Configures the radio with the given modem * * \param [IN] modem Modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] */ void RadioSetModem( RadioModems_t modem ); /*! * \brief Sets the channel frequency * * \param [IN] freq Channel RF frequency */ void RadioSetChannel( uint32_t freq ); /*! * \brief Checks if the channel is free for the given time * * \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] * \param [IN] freq Channel RF frequency * \param [IN] rssiThresh RSSI threshold * \param [IN] maxCarrierSenseTime Max time while the RSSI is measured * * \retval isFree [true: Channel is free, false: Channel is not free] */ bool RadioIsChannelFree( RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssiThresh, uint32_t maxCarrierSenseTime ); /*! * \brief Generates a 32 bits random value based on the RSSI readings * * \remark This function sets the radio in LoRa modem mode and disables * all interrupts. * After calling this function either Radio.SetRxConfig or * Radio.SetTxConfig functions must be called. * * \retval randomValue 32 bits random value */ uint32_t RadioRandom( void ); /*! * \brief Sets the reception parameters * * \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] * \param [IN] bandwidth Sets the bandwidth * FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz * LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz, * 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved] * \param [IN] datarate Sets the Datarate * FSK : 600..300000 bits/s * LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512, * 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips] * \param [IN] coderate Sets the coding rate (LoRa only) * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8] * \param [IN] bandwidthAfc Sets the AFC Bandwidth (FSK only) * FSK : >= 2600 and <= 250000 Hz * LoRa: N/A ( set to 0 ) * \param [IN] preambleLen Sets the Preamble length * FSK : Number of bytes * LoRa: Length in symbols (the hardware adds 4 more symbols) * \param [IN] symbTimeout Sets the RxSingle timeout value * FSK : timeout in number of bytes * LoRa: timeout in symbols * \param [IN] fixLen Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed] * \param [IN] payloadLen Sets payload length when fixed length is used * \param [IN] crcOn Enables/Disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON] * \param [IN] FreqHopOn Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [0: OFF, 1: ON] * \param [IN] HopPeriod Number of symbols between each hop * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: Number of symbols * \param [IN] iqInverted Inverts IQ signals (LoRa only) * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted] * \param [IN] rxContinuous Sets the reception in continuous mode * [false: single mode, true: continuous mode] */ void RadioSetRxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint32_t bandwidthAfc, uint16_t preambleLen, uint16_t symbTimeout, bool fixLen, uint8_t payloadLen, bool crcOn, bool FreqHopOn, uint8_t HopPeriod, bool iqInverted, bool rxContinuous ); /*! * \brief Sets the transmission parameters * * \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] * \param [IN] power Sets the output power [dBm] * \param [IN] fdev Sets the frequency deviation (FSK only) * FSK : [Hz] * LoRa: 0 * \param [IN] bandwidth Sets the bandwidth (LoRa only) * FSK : 0 * LoRa: [0: 125 kHz, 1: 250 kHz, * 2: 500 kHz, 3: Reserved] * \param [IN] datarate Sets the Datarate * FSK : 600..300000 bits/s * LoRa: [6: 64, 7: 128, 8: 256, 9: 512, * 10: 1024, 11: 2048, 12: 4096 chips] * \param [IN] coderate Sets the coding rate (LoRa only) * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [1: 4/5, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/7, 4: 4/8] * \param [IN] preambleLen Sets the preamble length * FSK : Number of bytes * LoRa: Length in symbols (the hardware adds 4 more symbols) * \param [IN] fixLen Fixed length packets [0: variable, 1: fixed] * \param [IN] crcOn Enables disables the CRC [0: OFF, 1: ON] * \param [IN] FreqHopOn Enables disables the intra-packet frequency hopping * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [0: OFF, 1: ON] * \param [IN] HopPeriod Number of symbols between each hop * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: Number of symbols * \param [IN] iqInverted Inverts IQ signals (LoRa only) * FSK : N/A ( set to 0 ) * LoRa: [0: not inverted, 1: inverted] * \param [IN] timeout Transmission timeout [ms] */ void RadioSetTxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preambleLen, bool fixLen, bool crcOn, bool FreqHopOn, uint8_t HopPeriod, bool iqInverted, uint32_t timeout ); /*! * \brief Checks if the given RF frequency is supported by the hardware * * \param [IN] frequency RF frequency to be checked * \retval isSupported [true: supported, false: unsupported] */ bool RadioCheckRfFrequency( uint32_t frequency ); /*! * \brief Computes the packet time on air in ms for the given payload * * \Remark Can only be called once SetRxConfig or SetTxConfig have been called * * \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] * \param [IN] pktLen Packet payload length * * \retval airTime Computed airTime (ms) for the given packet payload length */ uint32_t RadioTimeOnAir( RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t pktLen ); /*! * \brief Sends the buffer of size. Prepares the packet to be sent and sets * the radio in transmission * * \param [IN]: buffer Buffer pointer * \param [IN]: size Buffer size */ void RadioSend( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio in sleep mode */ void RadioSleep( void ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio in standby mode */ void RadioStandby( void ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio in reception mode for the given time * \param [IN] timeout Reception timeout [ms] * [0: continuous, others timeout] */ void RadioRx( uint32_t timeout ); /*! * \brief Start a Channel Activity Detection */ void RadioStartCad( void ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio in continuous wave transmission mode * * \param [IN]: freq Channel RF frequency * \param [IN]: power Sets the output power [dBm] * \param [IN]: time Transmission mode timeout [s] */ void RadioSetTxContinuousWave( uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time ); /*! * \brief Reads the current RSSI value * * \retval rssiValue Current RSSI value in [dBm] */ int16_t RadioRssi( RadioModems_t modem ); /*! * \brief Writes the radio register at the specified address * * \param [IN]: addr Register address * \param [IN]: data New register value */ void RadioWrite( uint16_t addr, uint8_t data ); /*! * \brief Reads the radio register at the specified address * * \param [IN]: addr Register address * \retval data Register value */ uint8_t RadioRead( uint16_t addr ); /*! * \brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address * * \param [IN] addr First Radio register address * \param [IN] buffer Buffer containing the new register's values * \param [IN] size Number of registers to be written */ void RadioWriteBuffer( uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ); /*! * \brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address * * \param [IN] addr First Radio register address * \param [OUT] buffer Buffer where to copy the registers data * \param [IN] size Number of registers to be read */ void RadioReadBuffer( uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ); /*! * \brief Sets the maximum payload length. * * \param [IN] modem Radio modem to be used [0: FSK, 1: LoRa] * \param [IN] max Maximum payload length in bytes */ void RadioSetMaxPayloadLength( RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t max ); /*! * \brief Sets the network to public or private. Updates the sync byte. * * \remark Applies to LoRa modem only * * \param [IN] enable if true, it enables a public network */ void RadioSetPublicNetwork( bool enable ); /*! * \brief Gets the time required for the board plus radio to get out of sleep.[ms] * * \retval time Radio plus board wakeup time in ms. */ uint32_t RadioGetWakeupTime( void ); /*! * \brief Process radio irq */ void RadioIrqProcess( void ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio in reception mode with Max LNA gain for the given time * \param [IN] timeout Reception timeout [ms] * [0: continuous, others timeout] */ void RadioRxBoosted( uint32_t timeout ); /*! * \brief Sets the Rx duty cycle management parameters * * \param [in] rxTime Structure describing reception timeout value * \param [in] sleepTime Structure describing sleep timeout value */ void RadioSetRxDutyCycle( uint32_t rxTime, uint32_t sleepTime ); /*! * Radio driver structure initialization */ const struct Radio_s Radio = { RadioInit, RadioGetStatus, RadioSetModem, RadioSetChannel, RadioIsChannelFree, RadioRandom, RadioSetRxConfig, RadioSetTxConfig, RadioCheckRfFrequency, RadioTimeOnAir, RadioSend, RadioSleep, RadioStandby, RadioRx, RadioStartCad, RadioSetTxContinuousWave, RadioRssi, RadioWrite, RadioRead, RadioWriteBuffer, RadioReadBuffer, RadioSetMaxPayloadLength, RadioSetPublicNetwork, RadioGetWakeupTime, RadioIrqProcess, // Available on SX126x only RadioRxBoosted, RadioSetRxDutyCycle }; uint8_t regulatorMode = USE_DCDC; /* * Local types definition */ /*! * FSK bandwidth definition */ typedef struct { uint32_t bandwidth; uint8_t RegValue; }FskBandwidth_t; /*! * Precomputed FSK bandwidth registers values */ const FskBandwidth_t FskBandwidths[] = { { 4800 , 0x1F }, { 5800 , 0x17 }, { 7300 , 0x0F }, { 9700 , 0x1E }, { 11700 , 0x16 }, { 14600 , 0x0E }, { 19500 , 0x1D }, { 23400 , 0x15 }, { 29300 , 0x0D }, { 39000 , 0x1C }, { 46900 , 0x14 }, { 58600 , 0x0C }, { 78200 , 0x1B }, { 93800 , 0x13 }, { 117300, 0x0B }, { 156200, 0x1A }, { 187200, 0x12 }, { 234300, 0x0A }, { 312000, 0x19 }, { 373600, 0x11 }, { 467000, 0x09 }, { 500000, 0x00 }, // Invalid Bandwidth }; const RadioLoRaBandwidths_t Bandwidths[] = {LORA_BW_062, LORA_BW_125, LORA_BW_250, LORA_BW_500 }; //add @LORA_BW_062,by vollgo dropLin,2022年3月29日 // SF12 SF11 SF10 SF9 SF8 SF7 static double RadioLoRaSymbTime[4][6] = { { 65.536, 32.768, 16.384, 8.192, 4.096, 2.048 }, // 62.5 KHz //add @62.5 KHz,by vollgo dropLin, 2022年3月29日 { 32.768, 16.384, 8.192, 4.096, 2.048, 1.024 }, // 125 KHz { 16.384, 8.192, 4.096, 2.048, 1.024, 0.512 }, // 250 KHz { 8.192, 4.096, 2.048, 1.024, 0.512, 0.256 }}; // 500 KHz uint8_t MaxPayloadLength = 0xFF; uint32_t TxTimeout = 0; uint32_t RxTimeout = 0; bool RxContinuous = false; PacketStatus_t RadioPktStatus; uint8_t RadioRxPayload[255]; bool IrqFired = false; uint8_t syncWord[] = { 0xC1, 0x94, 0xC1, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* * SX126x DIO IRQ callback functions prototype */ /*! * \brief DIO 0 IRQ callback */ void RadioOnDioIrq( void ); /*! * \brief Tx timeout timer callback */ void RadioOnTxTimeoutIrq( void ); /*! * \brief Rx timeout timer callback */ void RadioOnRxTimeoutIrq( void ); /* * Private global variables */ /*! * Holds the current network type for the radio */ typedef struct { bool Previous; bool Current; }RadioPublicNetwork_t; static RadioPublicNetwork_t RadioPublicNetwork = { false }; /*! * Radio callbacks variable */ static RadioEvents_t* RadioEvents; /* * Public global variables */ /*! * Radio hardware and global parameters */ volatile SX126x_t SX126x; /*! * Tx and Rx timers */ //TimerEvent_t TxTimeoutTimer; //TimerEvent_t RxTimeoutTimer; /*! * Returns the known FSK bandwidth registers value * * \param [IN] bandwidth Bandwidth value in Hz * \retval regValue Bandwidth register value. */ static uint8_t RadioGetFskBandwidthRegValue( uint32_t bandwidth ) { uint8_t i; if( bandwidth == 0 ) { return( 0x1F ); } for( i = 0; i < ( sizeof( FskBandwidths ) / sizeof( FskBandwidth_t ) ) - 1; i++ ) { if( ( bandwidth >= FskBandwidths[i].bandwidth ) && ( bandwidth < FskBandwidths[i + 1].bandwidth ) ) { return FskBandwidths[i+1].RegValue; } } // ERROR: Value not found while( 1 ); } void RadioSetregulatorMode(uint8_t mode) { regulatorMode = mode; } void RadioInit( RadioEvents_t *events ) { RadioEvents = events; SX126xInit( 0 ); SX126xSetStandby( STDBY_RC ); SX126xSetRegulatorMode( regulatorMode ); SX126xSetBufferBaseAddress( 0x00, 0x00 ); SX126xSetTxParams( 0, RADIO_RAMP_200_US ); SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_RADIO_ALL, IRQ_RADIO_ALL, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); //Initialize driver timeout timers //TimerInit( &TxTimeoutTimer, RadioOnTxTimeoutIrq ); //TimerInit( &RxTimeoutTimer, RadioOnRxTimeoutIrq ); IrqFired = false; } RadioState_t RadioGetStatus( void ) { switch( SX126xGetOperatingMode( ) ) { case MODE_TX: return RF_TX_RUNNING; case MODE_RX: return RF_RX_RUNNING; case RF_CAD: return RF_CAD; default: return RF_IDLE; } } void RadioSetModem( RadioModems_t modem ) { switch( modem ) { default: case MODEM_FSK: SX126xSetPacketType( PACKET_TYPE_GFSK ); // When switching to GFSK mode the LoRa SyncWord register value is reset // Thus, we also reset the RadioPublicNetwork variable RadioPublicNetwork.Current = false; break; case MODEM_LORA: SX126xSetPacketType( PACKET_TYPE_LORA ); // Public/Private network register is reset when switching modems if( RadioPublicNetwork.Current != RadioPublicNetwork.Previous ) { RadioPublicNetwork.Current = RadioPublicNetwork.Previous; RadioSetPublicNetwork( RadioPublicNetwork.Current ); } break; } } void RadioSetChannel( uint32_t freq ) { SX126xSetRfFrequency( freq ); } bool RadioIsChannelFree( RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssiThresh, uint32_t maxCarrierSenseTime ) { bool status = true; int16_t rssi = 0; uint32_t carrierSenseTime = 0; RadioSetModem( modem ); RadioSetChannel( freq ); RadioRx( 0 ); HAL_Delay_nMS( 1 ); // carrierSenseTime = TimerGetCurrentTime( ); // Perform carrier sense for maxCarrierSenseTime // while( TimerGetElapsedTime( carrierSenseTime ) < maxCarrierSenseTime ) // { // rssi = RadioRssi( modem ); // // if( rssi > rssiThresh ) // { // status = false; // break; // } // } RadioSleep( ); return status; } uint32_t RadioRandom( void ) { uint8_t i; uint32_t rnd = 0; /* * Radio setup for random number generation */ // Set LoRa modem ON RadioSetModem( MODEM_LORA ); // Set radio in continuous reception SX126xSetRx( 0 ); for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { HAL_Delay_nMS( 1 ); // Unfiltered RSSI value reading. Only takes the LSB value rnd |= ( ( uint32_t )SX126xGetRssiInst( ) & 0x01 ) << i; } RadioSleep( ); return rnd; } void RadioSetRxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint32_t bandwidthAfc, uint16_t preambleLen, uint16_t symbTimeout, bool fixLen, uint8_t payloadLen, bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod, bool iqInverted, bool rxContinuous ) { RxContinuous = rxContinuous; if( fixLen == true ) { MaxPayloadLength = payloadLen; } else { MaxPayloadLength = 0xFF; } switch( modem ) { case MODEM_FSK: SX126xSetStopRxTimerOnPreambleDetect( false ); SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.BitRate = datarate; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.ModulationShaping = MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_1; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.Bandwidth = RadioGetFskBandwidthRegValue( bandwidth << 1 ); SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleLength = ( preambleLen << 3 ); // convert byte into bit SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleMinDetect = RADIO_PREAMBLE_DETECTOR_16_BITS; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.SyncWordLength = 3 << 3; // convert byte into bit SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.AddrComp = RADIO_ADDRESSCOMP_FILT_OFF; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.HeaderType = ( fixLen == true ) ? RADIO_PACKET_FIXED_LENGTH : RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength; if( crcOn == true ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_2_BYTES_CCIT; } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_OFF; } SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.DcFree = RADIO_DC_FREE_OFF; RadioStandby( ); RadioSetModem( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_GFSK ) ? MODEM_FSK : MODEM_LORA ); SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams ); SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); SX126xSetSyncWord( syncWord ); SX126xSetWhiteningSeed( 0x01FF ); RxTimeout = ( uint32_t )( symbTimeout * ( ( 1.0 / ( double )datarate ) * 8.0 ) * 1000 ); break; case MODEM_LORA: SX126xSetStopRxTimerOnPreambleDetect( false ); SX126xSetLoRaSymbNumTimeout( symbTimeout ); SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor = ( RadioLoRaSpreadingFactors_t )datarate; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth = Bandwidths[bandwidth]; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate = ( RadioLoRaCodingRates_t )coderate; if( ( ( bandwidth == 0 ) && ( ( datarate == 11 ) || ( datarate == 12 ) ) ) || ( ( bandwidth == 1 ) && ( datarate == 12 ) ) ) { SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x01; } else { SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x00; } SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA; if( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor == LORA_SF5 ) || ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor == LORA_SF6 ) ) { if( preambleLen < 12 ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = 12; } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = preambleLen; } } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = preambleLen; } SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType = ( RadioLoRaPacketLengthsMode_t )fixLen; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.CrcMode = ( RadioLoRaCrcModes_t )crcOn; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.InvertIQ = ( RadioLoRaIQModes_t )iqInverted; RadioSetModem( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_GFSK ) ? MODEM_FSK : MODEM_LORA ); SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams ); SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); // Timeout Max, Timeout handled directly in SetRx function RxTimeout = 0xFFFF; break; } } void RadioSetTxConfig( RadioModems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t datarate, uint8_t coderate, uint16_t preambleLen, bool fixLen, bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod, bool iqInverted, uint32_t timeout ) { switch( modem ) { case MODEM_FSK: SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.BitRate = datarate; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.ModulationShaping = MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_1; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.Bandwidth = RadioGetFskBandwidthRegValue( bandwidth << 1); SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.Fdev = fdev; SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_GFSK; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleLength = ( preambleLen << 3 ); // convert byte into bit SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleMinDetect = RADIO_PREAMBLE_DETECTOR_08_BITS; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.SyncWordLength = 3 << 3 ; // convert byte into bit SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.AddrComp = RADIO_ADDRESSCOMP_FILT_OFF; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.HeaderType = ( fixLen == true ) ? RADIO_PACKET_FIXED_LENGTH : RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH; if( crcOn == true ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_2_BYTES_CCIT; } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength = RADIO_CRC_OFF; } SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.DcFree = RADIO_DC_FREEWHITENING; RadioStandby( ); RadioSetModem( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_GFSK ) ? MODEM_FSK : MODEM_LORA ); SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams ); SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); SX126xSetSyncWord( syncWord ); SX126xSetWhiteningSeed( 0x01FF ); break; case MODEM_LORA: SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor = ( RadioLoRaSpreadingFactors_t ) datarate; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth = Bandwidths[bandwidth]; SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate= ( RadioLoRaCodingRates_t )coderate; if( ( ( bandwidth == 0 ) && ( ( datarate == 11 ) || ( datarate == 12 ) ) ) || ( ( bandwidth == 1 ) && ( datarate == 12 ) ) ) { SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x01; } else { SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize = 0x00; } SX126x.PacketParams.PacketType = PACKET_TYPE_LORA; if( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor == LORA_SF5 ) || ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor == LORA_SF6 ) ) { if( preambleLen < 12 ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = 12; } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = preambleLen; } } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength = preambleLen; } SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType = ( RadioLoRaPacketLengthsMode_t )fixLen; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.CrcMode = ( RadioLoRaCrcModes_t )crcOn; SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.InvertIQ = ( RadioLoRaIQModes_t )iqInverted; RadioStandby( ); RadioSetModem( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_GFSK ) ? MODEM_FSK : MODEM_LORA ); SX126xSetModulationParams( &SX126x.ModulationParams ); SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); break; } SX126xSetRfTxPower( power ); TxTimeout = timeout; } bool RadioCheckRfFrequency( uint32_t frequency ) { return true; } uint32_t RadioTimeOnAir( RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t pktLen ) { uint32_t airTime = 0; switch( modem ) { case MODEM_FSK: { airTime = rint( ( 8 * ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PreambleLength + ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.SyncWordLength >> 3 ) + ( ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.HeaderType == RADIO_PACKET_FIXED_LENGTH ) ? 0.0 : 1.0 ) + pktLen + ( ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.CrcLength == RADIO_CRC_2_BYTES ) ? 2.0 : 0 ) ) / SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.Gfsk.BitRate ) * 1e3 ); } break; case MODEM_LORA: { double ts = RadioLoRaSymbTime[SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.Bandwidth - 3][12 - SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor]; // time of preamble double tPreamble = ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PreambleLength + 4.25 ) * ts; // Symbol length of payload and time double tmp = ceil( ( 8 * pktLen - 4 * SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor + 28 + 16 * SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.CrcMode - ( ( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.HeaderType == LORA_PACKET_FIXED_LENGTH ) ? 20 : 0 ) ) / ( double )( 4 * ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.SpreadingFactor - ( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.LowDatarateOptimize > 0 ) ? 2 : 0 ) ) ) ) * ( ( SX126x.ModulationParams.Params.LoRa.CodingRate % 4 ) + 4 ); double nPayload = 8 + ( ( tmp > 0 ) ? tmp : 0 ); double tPayload = nPayload * ts; // Time on air double tOnAir = tPreamble + tPayload; // return milli seconds airTime = floor( tOnAir + 0.999 ); } break; } return airTime; } void RadioSend( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) { SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_TX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, IRQ_TX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); if( SX126xGetPacketType( ) == PACKET_TYPE_LORA ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength = size; } else { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PayloadLength = size; } SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); SX126xSendPayload( buffer, size, 0 ); // TimerSetValue( &TxTimeoutTimer, TxTimeout ); // TimerStart( &TxTimeoutTimer ); } void RadioSleep( void ) { SleepParams_t params = { 0 }; params.Fields.WarmStart = 1; SX126xSetSleep( params ); HAL_Delay_nMS( 2 ); } void RadioStandby( void ) { SX126xSetStandby( STDBY_RC ); } void RadioRx( uint32_t timeout ) { // SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_RADIO_ALL, //IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, // IRQ_RADIO_ALL, //IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, // IRQ_RADIO_NONE, // IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT | IRQ_CRC_ERROR, IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT | IRQ_CRC_ERROR, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); // SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_SYNCWORD_VALID, // IRQ_SYNCWORD_VALID, // IRQ_RADIO_NONE, // IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); if( timeout != 0 ) { // TimerSetValue( &RxTimeoutTimer, timeout ); // TimerStart( &RxTimeoutTimer ); } if( RxContinuous == true ) { SX126xSetRx( 0xFFFFFF ); // Rx Continuous } else { SX126xSetRx( timeout << 6 ); } } void RadioRxBoosted( uint32_t timeout ) { SX126xSetDioIrqParams( IRQ_RADIO_ALL, //IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, IRQ_RADIO_ALL, //IRQ_RX_DONE | IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT, IRQ_RADIO_NONE, IRQ_RADIO_NONE ); if( timeout != 0 ) { // TimerSetValue( &RxTimeoutTimer, timeout ); // TimerStart( &RxTimeoutTimer ); } if( RxContinuous == true ) { SX126xSetRxBoosted( 0xFFFFFF ); // Rx Continuous } else { SX126xSetRxBoosted( timeout << 6 ); } } void RadioSetRxDutyCycle( uint32_t rxTime, uint32_t sleepTime ) { SX126xSetRxDutyCycle( rxTime, sleepTime ); } void RadioStartCad( void ) { SX126xSetCad( ); } void RadioTx( uint32_t timeout ) { SX126xSetTx( timeout << 6 ); } void RadioSetTxContinuousWave( uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time ) { SX126xSetRfFrequency( freq ); SX126xSetRfTxPower( power ); SX126xSetTxContinuousWave( ); // TimerSetValue( &RxTimeoutTimer, time * 1e3 ); // TimerStart( &RxTimeoutTimer ); } int16_t RadioRssi( RadioModems_t modem ) { return SX126xGetRssiInst( ); } void RadioWrite( uint16_t addr, uint8_t data ) { SX126xWriteRegister( addr, data ); } uint8_t RadioRead( uint16_t addr ) { return SX126xReadRegister( addr ); } void RadioWriteBuffer( uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) { SX126xWriteRegisters( addr, buffer, size ); } void RadioReadBuffer( uint16_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) { SX126xReadRegisters( addr, buffer, size ); } void RadioWriteFifo( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) { SX126xWriteBuffer( 0, buffer, size ); } void RadioReadFifo( uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) { SX126xReadBuffer( 0, buffer, size ); } void RadioSetMaxPayloadLength( RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t max ) { if( modem == MODEM_LORA ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.LoRa.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength = max; SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); } else { if( SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.HeaderType == RADIO_PACKET_VARIABLE_LENGTH ) { SX126x.PacketParams.Params.Gfsk.PayloadLength = MaxPayloadLength = max; SX126xSetPacketParams( &SX126x.PacketParams ); } } } void RadioSetPublicNetwork( bool enable ) { RadioPublicNetwork.Current = RadioPublicNetwork.Previous = enable; RadioSetModem( MODEM_LORA ); if( enable == true ) { // Change LoRa modem SyncWord SX126xWriteRegister( REG_LR_SYNCWORD, ( LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); SX126xWriteRegister( REG_LR_SYNCWORD + 1, LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD & 0xFF ); } else { // Change LoRa modem SyncWord SX126xWriteRegister( REG_LR_SYNCWORD, ( LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); SX126xWriteRegister( REG_LR_SYNCWORD + 1, LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD & 0xFF ); } } uint32_t RadioGetWakeupTime( void ) { return( RADIO_TCXO_SETUP_TIME + RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME ); } void RadioOnTxTimeoutIrq( void ) { if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->TxTimeout != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->TxTimeout( ); } } void RadioOnRxTimeoutIrq( void ) { if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->RxTimeout != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->RxTimeout( ); } } void RadioOnDioIrq( void ) { IrqFired = true; } void RadioIrqProcess( void ) { uint16_t irqRegs; if( IrqFired == true ) // if( READ_RF_SX126x_IO1()) { //BoardDisableIrq( ); IrqFired = false; // BoardEnableIrq( ); irqRegs = SX126xGetIrqStatus( ); SX126xClearIrqStatus( IRQ_RADIO_ALL ); if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_TX_DONE ) == IRQ_TX_DONE ) { //TimerStop( &TxTimeoutTimer ); if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->TxDone != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->TxDone( ); } } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_RX_DONE ) == IRQ_RX_DONE ) { uint8_t size; // TimerStop( &RxTimeoutTimer ); SX126xGetPayload( RadioRxPayload, &size , 255 ); SX126xGetPacketStatus( &RadioPktStatus ); if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->RxDone != NULL ) ) { // #ifdef USE_MODEM_LORA RadioEvents->RxDone( RadioRxPayload, size, RadioPktStatus.Params.LoRa.RssiPkt+RadioPktStatus.Params.LoRa.SnrPkt, RadioPktStatus.Params.LoRa.SnrPkt ); // #else // RadioEvents->RxDone( RadioRxPayload, size, RadioPktStatus.Params.Gfsk.RssiSync, RadioPktStatus.Params.Gfsk.RssiAvg ); // #endif } } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_CRC_ERROR ) == IRQ_CRC_ERROR ) { if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->RxError ) ) { RadioEvents->RxError( ); } } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_CAD_DONE ) == IRQ_CAD_DONE ) { if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->CadDone != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->CadDone( ( ( irqRegs & IRQ_CAD_ACTIVITY_DETECTED ) == IRQ_CAD_ACTIVITY_DETECTED ) ); } } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT ) == IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT ) { if( SX126xGetOperatingMode( ) == MODE_TX ) { // TimerStop( &TxTimeoutTimer ); if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->TxTimeout != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->TxTimeout( ); } } else if( SX126xGetOperatingMode( ) == MODE_RX ) { // TimerStop( &RxTimeoutTimer ); if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->RxTimeout != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->RxTimeout( ); } } } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_PREAMBLE_DETECTED ) == IRQ_PREAMBLE_DETECTED ) { //__NOP( ); } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_SYNCWORD_VALID ) == IRQ_SYNCWORD_VALID ) { //__NOP( ); } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_HEADER_VALID ) == IRQ_HEADER_VALID ) { //__NOP( ); } if( ( irqRegs & IRQ_HEADER_ERROR ) == IRQ_HEADER_ERROR ) { // TimerStop( &RxTimeoutTimer ); if( ( RadioEvents != NULL ) && ( RadioEvents->RxTimeout != NULL ) ) { RadioEvents->RxTimeout( ); } } } }